Boyne Citizen

Serving the Boyne community for over a century and a quarter.

Three Minors Get Drunk
On Apricot Brandy, Whisky, Beer and Alcohal and Come to Grief
Two Bartenders Arrested for Selling Liquor to Minors and Held for Circuit Court

Saturday afternoon four lads created considerable excitement on the streets from the effects of beer, apricot brandy and alcohol. John Adams, aged 19 years; Earl White, aged 18; Clarence Perry, aged 19; and Earnest Mallor, aged 25, but looking much younger, went out for a time and they had it, with the result that two of them were missing at the Sunday dinner table at their respective homes, being invited to spend Saturday night and Sunday as guest of the city, which they did in the City Hotel in the rear of the fire hall. This quintet evidently started out to get drunk, and they succeeded pretty well, at least by their action the conglomeration of apricots, hops and alcohol didn't set right on their inner persons, for Adams especially imagined he was a regular "gosh-darn-it."

They boys visited several saloons, in one they had several beers, then White accompanied by Perry, went into another saloon and got a half pint of apricot brandy. This not being sufficient to appease their appetite for the fiery liquid Earnest Mallor went into a drug store and got a pint of alcohol, saying that he wanted it for medicinal purposes. They then got some sugar and went into other saloons and at the rear of these places they would dilute the alcohol and drink it, from several places being thrown out. The amount of refreshments they imbibed soon took effect, and several of the party were very jubiland, using vile and very indecent language which was disgusting to may pedestrians on the streets.

On the corner of Lake and Water streets they became very boisterous, and City Attorney Urguhart requested Adams to go home or he would get run in. In reply the city attorney got a chug in the "mug." Then the city attorney remembered what he used to do in his college days and cleaned house with two of them, a large crown congregated from all corners. The fight soon over Chief Jubenville, in possession of a warrent started after the beligerents, and two of them were corralled on Lake street near the Opera house, White broke away and Chief Jubenville turned his attention to Adams, who resisted, and "Al" had his hands full. Calling to his aid the service of a grocery wagon for use as a patrol wagon Adams was hustled into the wagon, with Adams kicking and resisting, and finally the chief sat on him and in this way he was driven to the lockup with a large crowd in hot pursuit.

Then Chief Jubenville went after White, and he was found back of the Opera house and the service of another impromptu patrol wagon was secured and young White was hustled off to join his companion. Monday morning at Justice Shepard's office Clarence Perry and Earnest Mallor who were told to be on hand at 9 o'clock, were there and were served with warrants. Adams and White were brought in and the warrants were read to them charging all of them with being drunk and disorderly all pleading guilty but Mallor, who asked for a trial immediately. After hearing the evidence Justice Shepard found Mallor guilty.

In giving their testimony the boys all told of getting liquor at different places, and although three of them were minors they seemed to have no trouble in getting the liquor.

Justice Shepard,in sentencing the boys gave them a lot of good fatherly advice, telling them the inevitable end of their present career would end in the state prison if they didn't mend their ways.

Earl White was the first to "get his" which was that he be fined $10 with the alternative of 20 days in jail.

The next to receive his medicine was John Adams, who seemed very contrite and penitent after his sojourn over Sunday in the "quay," and he was given a jail sentence of 30 days, with no alternative of a fine. John says that it is the last time he will ever go to jail.

The third to face his honor was Clarence Perry, who seemed to view the whole proceedings as quite a joke, and every little while would "butt" in with a remark. Judge Shepard finally told him of the evil of his ways, the prisoner looking at is companions and apparently not mindful of the fatherly advice tendered him. Then the judge said $5 and costs, and Perry said, "That's good." City Attorney Urquhart then moved that the fine be suspended and that he be given a jail sentence of 10 days for contempt of court, which the judge promptly did.

The boys were placed in custody of Officer Madden and taken to Charlevoix yesterday afternoon, where they will have plenty of time to ponder over the waywardness of the career they have entered on.

Earl White's parents paid his fine and he was liberated.

Earnest Mallor at last accounts had not paid his fine, but efforts are being made to raise it.

Mallor was equally guilty with other bartenders in the city in furnishing liquor to minors, as he went and bought the alcohol and furnished it to the boys.

This morning as a result of these boys getting drunk, Harry Andrews bartender at the New Boyne Hotel, was arrested on complaint of Mr. White, father of one of the boys, charged with selling liquor to minors. He was arraigned and pleaded not guilty and was bound over to the circuit court, with bonds fixed at $200.

Gert Boswell, bartender for the Petoskey Brewing Company, at the saloon formerly run by Bye Lyke, was arrested this morning on a similar charge and bound over to the circuit court under bondds of $200.

Prisoner Escaped
Alexander Escaped From the Bellaire Jail Last Friday Night

A prisoner by the name of Alexander, held for assult and battery, broke jail at Bellaire last Friday night. He got out through a ventillator and lowered himself on a piece of hose. Sheriff Kittle's bloodhound was put on his trail but after following it some distance, the dog suddenly refused to work. It was then discovered that Alexander had put pepper in his trail, making the dog's efforts of no avail and Alexander is till at large.

It is said that this was not his fiirst attempt to escape jail as he has done so at other places.