Boyne Citizen

Serving the Boyne community for over a century and a quarter.

The System of Better Roads
What a Prominent Charlevoix County Farmer Has to Say

The question of good roads will come before the voters of Charlevoix county this spring:

Good roads is certainly what we all want. Good roads makes a man's farm more valuable, affords better market conditions, makes life in the country more congenial, causes people to get better acquainted with their neighbors and a thousand an one things can be traced directly or indirectly to the condition of the highways. It also helps out the man in town. If one can see the roads leading to a town you can almost tell what the town is like. Good roads makes large sales for the marchant, implement dealers, etc., increase the livery man's earnings and this causes better shipping. So good highways is perhaps one the **** essential things in any community. The next thing is how to get them. In the southern part of the state where it has been settled for years there are plenty of roads that could be called good. In Charlevoix county there are a few but the greater part of our roads are poor, but no more than any new country, in fact I think our country has reason to be proud of the advancement they have made in this direction. Twenty years ago Charlevoix county was almost a wilderness, today it is practically settled and fast becoming one of the best counties in the state.

Now are we taking a step forward or backward. If we adopt the county road system if we adopt it, it certainly means the spending of large amounts of money in certain localities to the detriment, for the time being at least, of all the rest of our county. What we need is not one or two extra good roads but to improve every road in the county as rapidly as possible now; if your town has a county road tax of five or six hundred dollars and none of the road is built in it, that means practically that much you are short of your highway money, on the other hand if your town is where the road is being built, then every town is sending money to add to your highway tax so the township that gets the benefit stands less highway expense than if the system was not in operation. The aim of our laws should always be to give every man a hundred cents benefit for every doall he pays in taxes as much so as if he was purchasing any other necessity. For this reason I am compelled to condem the county road system, the state reward or any other system that takes from one man or body of men and gives to another.

At the present for the year ending June 30, 1909 there was $150,000.00 appropriated for state reward and $10,000 was appropriated for running expense of the state highway department outside of regular paid salaries, in other words it cost $1 to get $15 worth of work inspected. Now in the county if we raise $12,000 and have three commissioners at the nominal figures of $500 each it will cost us $1 for every $8 worth of work done. I do not believe there is a man in Charlevoix county but what will admit that the township can get the same money spent where they need it just as good and perhaps better and not cost one fourth what it will cost under the county road system.

Rheumatism Recipe
Directions to Prepare Simple Yet Remarkable Home Mixtures

A well known authority on Rheumatism gives the following valuable, though simple and harmless, prescription, which any one can easily prepare at home:

Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce: Compound Kargon, one ounce: Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces.

Mix by shaking well in a bottle and take a teaspoonful after each meal and at bedtime.

He states the the ingredients can be obtained from any good prescription pharmacy at small cost, and, being of vegetable extraction, are harmeless to take.

This pleasant mixture, if taken regularly for a few days, is said to overcome almost any case of Rheumatism. The pain and swelling, if any, diminishes with each dose, until permanent results are obtained and without injuring the stomach. While there are may so called Rheumatism remedies, patent medicines, etc some of which do give relief, few really give permanent results, and the above will, no doubt, be greatly appreciated by many sufferers here at this time.

Inquiry at the drug stores of this neighborhood elicits the information that these drugs are harmless and can be bought seperately, or the druggists here will mix the prescription for our readers if asked to.

Doings in Dirt

Transfers for the week ending Saturday February 6th, 1909.

John Nicholls et al to Frank McWain, l 217 in b 15 of Nicholls and Morgan's 2nd add to Boyne $75.00.

Samuel C. Smith to George W. Madden, part of l 107 in b o of Margan's 2nd add to Boyne $1050.00.

W. H. White & Co., to James Cyr l 65 of W. H. White's add to Boyne, $775.00.

Lizzie Tuick to Jacob Tuick, part the the n e fractional 1-4 of the n e fractional 1-4 of sec 4 t 32 n r 7 w $1.00 and o v c.

Thomas Passenger to John H. Bancroft, the s e 1-4 of n w 1-4 of sec 28 t 32 n of r 7 w con $1000.00.

Maud Kuns to W. H. Matthews part of l 274 of Morgna & Nicholl's 2nd add to Boyne $100.

Revilo H. Chase to J. Kennard Gerrie, part of l 321 Morgan & Nicholls 3rd add to Boyne, $1.00.

Lois Hardy to Chris Lyngklip, l's 12 and 13 of b 7 of the village of Ironton, $200.00.

Richard K. Crane to William Foust l 8 in b 2 of Collins and Crane's add to Boyne $75.00.

William Faust to Enos W. Lane, l 8 in b 2 in Collins and Crane's add to Boyne $150.00.

E. B. Ward to Robert J. Madill all of l's 146, 147, 187, of Upright & Hulbut's add to Charlevoix, $300.00.

Frrnk Coatta to Debora Lamoreax. l 61 of Mason's 2nd add to Charlevoix $150.00

Alfred B. Nicholls to Alfred G. ROgers commencing at the s e corner of l 1 in b 4 of East Jordan $750.00. Williian F. Pearl to Benjamin M. Pearl, l's 1, 4, 5, 6 of b 7 of Norwood. $1.00 and o v c. Wallon Lake Country Club to John G. Mc*wraith, part of L H Gedge's l in sec 6 t 33 n r 5 w $360.00. Hugh R. Miller to Theodore Gaumer l 7 b h Miller's 1st add to Boyne, $150.

For Sale

Hard and soft dry block wood. Leave orders at Brookway's store East Main street.

--For Sale--Improved 160 ad farm bargain Frank Osborn, R. F. D. 4, Boyne City, Mich.

--Overcoats, Suits and Cravanettes reduced way down at the Hub. Don't overlook this.