Boyne Citizen

Serving the Boyne community for over a century and a quarter.

School notes

Mrs. Roberts visited the high school last Friday afternoon.

Evon LaMay is again enrolled as a member of the fourth grade.

Leoto Duell of the fourth grade has left school on account of sickness.

Christopher Fyke is a new pupil enrolled in the advanced first grade.

John Comloquoy, who has been absent from school on account of measles has returned.

The second grade have taken up the study of the bear for their work in nature Study.

Mrs. R. W. Beach and Miss Polly Beach honored the third and fourth grades by a very pleasant call Tuesday.

Miss Bertha Mathews of East Jordan was a visitor in the high school department Thursday afternoon of the past week.

Rhoda Braddock was called to Traverse City the first of the week on account of the sudden death of her brother. Rhoda has the sincere sympathy of all the teachers and cholors in her bereavement.

The scholars who have been out of school on account of mumps are gradually returning to their school duties. A few are still confined at home, but it is hoped that all will soon be able to take their accustomed places.

The members of the eleventh grad physical geography class prepared som very interesting essays recently. The subject was "Rivers", and their papers gave evidence of a good understanding of the subject as set forth in the chapter by that name in their text books.

The preporatory first grade are memorizing the poems "The Children's Hour" and "The Village Blacksmith." The children are especially interested in "The Village Blacksmith" as a result of a visit to one of our village blacksmiths on Tuesday afternoon of last week. Mr. Holcomb was very king in interesting the children and the excursion was a very enjoyable one for all.

Eat Onions; No Smallpox

Mahoney City, Pa. Feb. 9. -- Dr. A. P. Seligman, vaccine physician to the city board of health, who has given considerable attention to the study and pathology of smallpox, declares that onion-eating people are virtually immune from the disease.

Not a single case has broken out among the inhabitants of the Italian, Polish and Hungarian settlements. These people consume large quantities of onions. Vaccination is extremely rare among them.


Mrs. Schmidt and daughter called at Mrs. Dalrymple's Monday evening.

Mrs. Georgia Biggs called at the home of Mrs. L. M. Dalrymple on Friday.

Mrs. Kaden, who has been sick for a number of weeks, is still confined to the house.

J. A. Dalrymple, who was on the sick list a few days since, is able to be around again.

The Ladies met with Mrs. Carl Aldrich on Wednesday, to sew rags and for a good time in general.

Grange Items

A Grange conference will be held with Pine Lake Grange on March 2.

Our delegates to the State grange are rather slow in making reports and giving the password.

The Woman's Work society of Pine Lake grange meets with Mrs. Harry Willson next Thursday.

Thirty members were in attendance at the Grange meeting on Feb. 7. Two members were given the third and fourth degrees.

Mrs. Howard and Morris Snyder of Peninsula grange and Eddie Snyder of Boyne River grange were visitors at the last Grange meeting.

A special meeting of the officers and executive committee of Pine Lake grange will be held at the hall on Saturday, Feb. 14, at 1 o'clock p. m.

G. H. Heaton entertained the Grangers with his gramaphone during recess and lecture hour, at the last meeting. We also had some nice instrumental music by Messrs. Ray Chase and Clair Brooks and Miss Blanche Chase, a vocal solo by Mrs. Bernice Bacon, a recitation by F. Snyder, and a number of discussions.

Mardi Gras Festivals

For the annual Mardi Gras festival at

New Orleans, La., Feb. 18-24
Mobile, Ala.,
Pensacola, Fla.,

A rate of one fare for the round trip is offered. Tickets on sale at all points emanation on Feb. 17 to 22, inclusive, good to return up to and including trains leaving points mentioned not later than Feb. 28. Ask agents for particulars.